TYC comes from the first letters of the saying “Tie Your Camel,” which originates from one of the sayings from the Hadith:
One day, a person asked the Prophet, “Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?”
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah.” ( ! اعْقِلْهَا وَتَوَكَّلْ )
This Hadith is an enduring story in the Muslim community. The question and answer manifests that Islamic belief is not just mere blabbering that put all the empty trust in Allah, but rather it is pragmatic, a norm for every aspect of human social life, an Islamic behavioral guidance to be followed while upholding the religious belief.
With respect to guidance on economic behaviors, the Islamic belief emphasizes reasonable protection, fair distribution and healthy creation of asset. It encourages diligence, creation, trust and development, as well as fair trading that provides true value, advocation of economic activities that guarantee sharing of both benefits and risks, while at the same time guarding against suppression, cheating, exploitation and speculation, and avoiding actions that will bring harm to yourself and infringe on the rights of others.
Islamic finance is an all-rounded, organized and pragmatic system. It educates us on the proper way to address wealth and use wealth, so that we can ensure a reasonable, fair, compliant and legal process while upholding our religious belief.
The story of “Tie Your Camel” teaches us to hold firm to our belief, and stay humble and pragmatic, which are exactly key components in our principle.
Editor’s remarks:
Hadith: a record of the teachings, daily practice and moral guidance of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Prophet: Here refers to Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Trust: Put your
trust in and rely on Allah
TYC Finance Limited, established in Hong Kong in 2021, is a limited liability company dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional financial wisdom and modern financial practices. We specialize in discerning and integrating market trends from the Greater China region and countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, combining modern Islamic finance principles with sustainable financial development guidelines to offer clients and businesses unique market perspectives and insights.
Our services encompass providing Islamic finance-compliant reports on Greater China stocks, market intelligence, and business consulting services. With an open and pragmatic spirit, we strive to infuse innovation and value into the business environment of the Greater China region through professional services, while also promoting the global recognition and application of Islamic and sustainable finance. Committed to building a diverse, inclusive, and mutually beneficial business ecosystem.
TYC Finance aspires to leverage the unique advantages of Hong Kong as an international financial hub, as well as the synergistic effects of the Greater Bay Area, to contribute to the prosperity of regional economies and the healthy development of financial markets.
All the information provided on this website is for reference only and is not stock and securities investment advice. TYC Finance Limited does not assume any legal liability.
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