  • Islamic Finance, Right Here for You

    Release time:2021-08-09
    Stock Ticker:300558
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    Shariah Compliance Summary
    {{basic_info.shariah_compliance_summary =='compliant'?'compliant':basic_info.shariah_compliance_summary=='non-compliant'?'non-compliant':'unknown'}}
    Business Activity Screening

    Shariah Compliance



    {{data.shariah_compliance =='compliant'?'compliant':data.shariah_compliance=='non-compliant'?'non-compliant':'unknown'}}

    Business Activity


    Business Income/Total Income

    Shariah Compliance

    {{data.shariah_compliance =='compliant'?'compliant':data.shariah_compliance=='non-compliant'?'non-compliant':'unknown'}}
    Financial Screening


    Amount/Market Value

    Shariah Compliance

    {{data.shariah_compliance =='compliant'?'compliant':data.shariah_compliance=='non-compliant'?'non-compliant':'unknown'}}

    TYC FINANCE Website Services Agreement

    One, special tips

    1. The TYC FINANCE Services Agreement " This Agreement ") is a legally binding agreement between Customer (hereinafter or "You") and TYC FINANCE (as defined in Section 2 (1) of this Agreement). This Agreement is a basic and universal agreement applicable to all services provided by TYC FINANCE (the "Services" or "Services provided by TYC FINANCE ), and your registration of an account and/or use of any services provided by TYC FINANCEl shall be governed by this Agreement.

    2. TYC FINANCE specially reminds you:

    (1) please be sure to carefully read all the terms and conditions of this agreement, especially the terms of the exclusion or limitation of faithfulness financial responsibility, eliminate or restrict the terms of your rights, applicable laws, and agreed the terms of the dispute solution and the jurisdiction of the court, etc., these provisions may be in bold bold, underline, etc of setting up the highlighted signs;

    (2) You must carefully choose whether to accept this Agreement. If you click on the confirmation of this agreement, or the relevant page in the process of registration/login to make or be made faithfulness finance as assent to this agreement, or in a reasonable manner in faithfulness financial show you/reminder/notice of this agreement or any of the provisions of this agreement after the update still continue to use the reliance of financial services, or in other ways to make possible (or be faithfulness financial If you agree to this Agreement, you fully agree to all terms of this Agreement;

    (3) If you have any objection to any part of this Agreement, you shall immediately stop using the services provided by TYC FINANCE.

    3. TYC FINANCE specially reminds you:

    (1) The business of TYC FINANCE may change from time to time in order to provide you with better services and this Agreement may be adjusted accordingly. TYC FINANCE may publish or otherwise advise you of updates to the content on the TYC FINANCE Website (as defined in Section 2 (2) of this Agreement), and may also invite you to visit the TYC FINANCE Website to keep abreast of the latest text of the Agreement; Provided, however, that you understand and agree that TYC FINANCE is under no obligation to give you or any particular User specific notice and to obtain your or any particular User's consent with respect to updates of the relevant content;

    (2) In the foregoing circumstances, if you continue to use the services provided by TYC FINANCE, you agree to accept and be bound by the revised text of this Agreement.

    4. Failure to register an account with TYC FINANCE will prevent you from becoming a reliance Financial user, but will not prevent TYC FINANCE from preventing you from accessing the TYC FINANCE website and using basic browsing or information search functions. In any event, however, you fully understand and fully agree that TYC FINANCE has no intention to, and shall not be deemed to, provide any services or establish any business relationship with any person who is not registered with TYC FINANCE.

    5. In addition to the body of the agreement, it also contains the following contents:

    (1) TYC FINANCE Privacy Policy;

    (2) Community Rules;

    (3) When you use certain services of TYC FINANCE  there may be separate agreements, policies, guidelines, systems or rules applicable to such services. All agreements, policies, guidelines, systems or rules that TYC FINANCE as published or may publish in the future in relation to its business shall constitute an effective supplement to this Agreement and shall have the same legal force and effect as this Agreement and shall be legally binding on you...

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